Program Review: Partly Colored: Between White and Black
Speaker: Dr. Leslie Bow, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Date: January 29, 2015
Tonight I had the wonderful opportunity to listen to a talk
at UNC-Chapel Hill, sponsored by the Center for the Study of the American South
in Graham Memorial Hall. Dr. Leslie Bow was introduced by her colleague in the UNC Department of English and Creative Literature, Dr. Jennifer Ho. Dr. Bow started her talk with two
images of her Chinese grandfather and great grandfather who were both grocers in
small southern towns, Greenville, Mississippi and Helena, Arkansas,
respectively. Bow remembers a consistent refrain when her relatives discussed
the racial components of their lives in the South, “whites treated us just fine
and blacks didn’t give us any trouble”. She describes other incidents in the Jim Crow South, where
Asians are allowed to sit in the front of the bus, and mark White on their
driver’s license applications; generally benefiting from some aspects of white
privilege but not being fully accepted by white society. In an allusion to the
growing field of critical white studies where scholars debate how Italians or
Irish folks became white, Asians are never mention because they only touched
whiteness, they never became white. This observation is important because it
explains why there is so much internal conflict and pathos contained in the
anthropological, historical, and sociological writings on these subjects. How
does a group of people define themselves in a society where neither of the
boxes fit?
Bow used the subject of a 1998 documentary, Miss India Georgia, and the folklore of
South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, to help the audience understand how in
some ways, American acculturation has become a synonym for aspiring to
whiteness. In addition to her family history, I think that Bow has found the
South as a site for this type of inquiry to be most appropriate because it
magnifies attitudes and behaviors around race that are experienced throughout
the nation. Toward the end of the talk, Bow responded to questions about the
lawsuit against the UNC Admissions office, contrasts between urban or western
Asian experiences and Southern ones and how the relationship between Asians and
African Americans is often missing from the archive. A recurring message throughout Bow’s talk was the duality of
experience for most Asians in America. Even if there is a stereotype of
neutrality or model minority, there is also a fear or anxiety connected to
those feelings of admiration and respect. She also pointed out that most
instances of racialization are bound in affect or emotional resonance, which
can lead to violence or fetishism. To her, it can be seen as easily in the
black male bodies of Ferguson and New York City as the Asian students who make
up 50% of the school population at UCLA. In one quote by colonial historian, Dr. Homi Bhabha, the in-between space carries
the burden of the meaning of culture, Bow demonstrates how her valuable
analysis holds a critical mirror up to the whole notion of race in
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